Bruce News MA Ed.
CEO / Contributor
What gets lost in the elimination of the Board of Education is that the school staff will have to be uprooted. It's not a good thing for this to happen, but as a former teacher the most important thing by far is the students. When we center this discussion around the students all of the rest follows suit. Teachers are only as successful as their students are. If my students fail, then I fail. I hope that President Trump's plan will not affect school staff benefits. If benefits are retained, then in my opinion it's a win-win.
Teachers in New York City’s public schools have confided in me, painting a grim picture of the state of education in our nation’s largest school system. After the COVID-19 pandemic shut down schools for nearly two years, students fell drastically behind in their education. Now, teachers are dealing with the consequences; high school seniors who read at a 10th-grade level....if they’re lucky. But the crisis doesn’t stop there.
Adding fuel to the fire, millions of illegal immigrants have flooded into classrooms across the city. These students often arrive without any knowledge of English, and most teachers don’t speak Spanish. The result? A system in chaos, overwhelmed educators, and a student body that is falling further behind with each passing day.
The COVID Learning Gap: A Generation Left Behind
During the pandemic, NYC’s public schools shut down
for extended periods, forcing students into so-called "remote learning." The reality? Many of these children never truly learned at all. Parents struggled to supervise their kid's education, technical issues made learning difficult, and many students simply disengaged. Now, years later, the damage is undeniable.
Teachers report that even some of the brightest students are struggling to keep up with grade-level expectations. High school seniors who should be preparing for college or
the workforce are instead struggling to read at a
10th-grade level. In math, the situation is even worse. Many students are performing at levels far below where they should be, making it nearly impossible for them to compete in an increasingly competitive world.
Illegal Immigration Is Overwhelming NYC Schools
As if dealing with COVID learning loss wasn’t enough, NYC’s schools are now bearing the weight of the Biden administration’s open-border policies. Over the last year alone, hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants have poured into the city, and many of their children have ended up in public school classrooms.
Teachers are now being forced to teach students who do not speak English—and in most cases, these teachers don’t speak Spanish or any of the other languages spoken by these students. How is a teacher supposed to instruct a class when half the students do not understand the language of instruction? The answer: they can’t.
This crisis is stretching already thin resources to the breaking point. Schools are struggling to provide enough ESL (English as a Second Language), instructors, and teachers without proper training are being expected to fill the gap. Meanwhile, students who were already behind are losing valuable instruction time as teachers are finding it difficult to juggle the needs of an increasingly diverse and unprepared student body.
The Political Class Looks the Other Way
While teachers on the ground are raising the alarm, NYC’s Democrat leadership continues to ignore the crisis. Instead of addressing these educational failures, they are focused on appeasing the teachers' unions, pushing woke ideology into the curriculum, and welcoming even more illegal immigrants into the city.
Where is the accountability? Where is the concern for the students who were born and raised here, who have now been robbed of a decent education because of government incompetence?
The Future Of Schools In NYC And The Rest Of The Country
The crisis in NYC’s schools is a warning sign for the entire nation. If the country continues down this path, failing to address the lingering effects of COVID shutdowns while allowing unlimited illegal immigration into our communities, public education as we know it will collapse.
Teachers are sounding the alarm. Parents need to listen. And politicians need to be held accountable before it’s too late.
Pray, Vote and Be Active --- Bruce
Peter M. Katz --- Executive Proofreader
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